A special giveaway

Of course, I encourage everyone to go buy Steph's book, but you can also leave a comment on this post for a chance to win a copy. To enter, you can either tell me a funny bad date story, or go check out Steph's blog and then tell me about an entry that made you laugh. If you do both in two separate comments, I'll give you two entries in the random drawing.
For a review of the book, go here. For a sneak peek at the first four chapters, go here (it's in PDF form). You may not want to read the sneak peek at work, unless your coworkers are used to you snorting with laughter at your desk.
Steffus, my sista-chica, I am so! damn! proud! of you. SMOOCHES.
Details: This is also cross-posted at my regular blog. I'm giving away one book, and you can comment here or there. The contest is open to everyone (everywhere) and closes at midnight on
Winner! Congratulations to Megan at Write Meg! Thanks to everyone who entered. I enjoyed cringing at all your bad date stories. You guys have had some interesting encounters.
Labels: giveaway, Stephanie Snowe
Wow, some of those questions people ask her are so rude! I'm surprised! I did appreciate her answer to the snotty nose weight questioner!
You are a good friend and this book looks like it is going to be a hoot!
I'd love to read this book!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I guess my worst date story is the one where the dude didn't show up because he was smoking pot and "lost track of time"
Well I don't know if this would be my worst date story but I think it is funny. I was out on a date with this guy that I had met at a bar. When he came to pick me up he was driving an older car. What was funny was that when he went to put on his turn signal his wipers went on and wouldn't go off. He was embarrassed and started apologizing about his car. I laughed and responded, "I thought I was the only one whose car was possessed." He laughed and smiled at me. Now we have been married for 20 years.
I was reading some of the questions on Steph's blog and I was surprised that some one would actually ask her about her weight. That is just too personal.
I think the funniest part of Steph's blog was where they went to the shelter to get a small black dog to be called Snowball but came home with Ginger instead... it's funny because I used to have a black (mostly) and white cat that I called Snowball when I was a child. Steph has a great way with words!
My worst date was on Valentine's Day about ten years ago. My boyfriend at the time picked me up and I thought we had dinner plans. On the way to the "restaurant" he told me that he didn't buy me a present because he wanted to break up so there was no point spending any money. We never went out for dinner. But he kept the chocolates I had already given him. I'm so glad this loser disappeared from my life!
I've actually never been on a date. I did check out her site and love it, I especially liked the 'People will tell you anything' post, because you hear that comment made a lot. Plus her answers were funny. :)
Please enter me in this giveaway, this sounds like a great book to read!
~ Popin
My worst date story - gosh that was a lifetime ago. But I'd have to say that not the date but what happened on the date was embarrasing. I had made some fried chicken for a surprise picnic for my new boyfriend (aka~my husband now). When we got to the park we dove into lunch. The chicken was still pink inside : ( Being only 17 I could barely cook but Tom tried to eat what was cooked enough without getting food posioning or hurting my feelings. After 32 years he still brings up that story !
This is a book that looks so interesting. I'd love to win!
Bad date? I had one with the guy I am still with and have been with for a few years now. Well, on our first date, he let me pick the movie. I picked a horror movie and he didn't seem to have a problem with it. He didn't see it fit to tell me that blood makes him squeamish and he doesn't like it. So, we're watching the movie and it gets really gory. He tells me that he is going to use the bathroom... and is gone for the rest of the movie. I sat there alone for a good 45 minutes watching a movie alone. When the movie was over and the credits rolled, in he walks.
this looks sensational and one you would not want to put down thanks for the giveaway
This book likes a really fun one - I can't remember a worst date - luckily I've never had one.
Looks like a great rea.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Worse date? Hmm, that would have to be the one where we had to take my car, his broke down. I had to pay for dinner, his wallet was 'accidentally' left at home. Grrr...bad memory.
I don't have one singularly terrible date story, but I've also had trouble with the dates who seem all gung-ho to take you out, then conveniently realize they don't have any money... or, more realistically, their debit cards are declined. This has happened to me many times. Logic would tell you that I would, you know, find myself a doctor or a lawyer or something, but I continued to date the broke guys! I've since learned my lesson :)
I'd love to be entered; sounds like a fun book. Thanks!
writing.meg [at] gmail.com
A terrible bad date story? Probaby my worst happens to be my most recent. I went on a blind date which was as disaster from the start but the highlight had to be when my date started to cry over the death of his dog...which happened 10 years ago apparently. He spent the rest of the night describing how he was going to build his own light saber a la star wars!
I would love to be entered, thanks alot!
Which worst date would you like.
Long time ago, I had a date with a vendor for my company, that I had only met on the phone. We went to diner and towards the end of the meal he left to go to the bathroom.
Guess what never came back. He had been fired days before (I did now this before the date)and was out for revenge.
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