Take Your Shirt Off and Cry by Nancy Balbirer -- Review & Giveaway!

Nancy's tale isn't all doom and gloom, however, and she writes with a refreshing blend of humor and honesty. Vignettes about her acting school experiences, dysfunctional boyfriends, fellow actors, and rare glimpse of success blend together to create an interesting memoir. I was left with the impression that Nancy would be a great person to sit next to at a dinner party. And best of all, even though Nancy never lands the fame and fortune she went to LA to find, the story has a happy ending.
If you would like to win my copy of Take Your Shirt Off and Cry, leave a comment on this post and tell me what you always thought you'd be when you grew up and if you followed that path or not. The contest will close at midnight on Wednesday, August 5th, and is open to anyone in the US.
As for me, I always thought I'd be a paleontologist when I grew up. I never got there, but I did get my geology degree in college and I do work in a science field today.
Winner! Congrats to basscomm! It seems that random.org wants you to have this book!
Labels: giveaway, Nancy Balbirer